Juno opening sequence has a very d.i.y and this aspect of the title sequence works with the Juno character.The main focus of the opening sequence is Juno the opening is quite simple in the sense that all we are seeing is this girl on a journey however its what we see on her journey that make up the character and that set off the enigmas for the rest of the film.
The way the titles are displayed is essential to the openings because they too set up enigmas for the other characters for example. When we see Juno walking past a music shop we see a animated guitar with "Micheal Cera" written on it, and that makes it clear that the character he plays is into music and could perhaps play the guitar.
The thing that makes this title sequence so exciting is the animatic nature of it. The opening itself seems very independent and original and I think that works very well in context with the nature of the film.
The way Juno has been place in each of the frames is also very interesting,she always seen directly in the middle of each frame this could perhaps show that she is good at remaining centred and calm no matter how hard things get she will remain cool,calm and collected.